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Tooltip Link Shortcode

With this shortcode you can add a tooltip link for helpful user experience.

[sp-grid first=true span=3][sp-tooltip url=”#” tooltip_title=”This is a tooltip!” link_name=”Hover over me” position=top][/sp-grid]
[sp-grid span=3][sp-tooltip url=”#” tooltip_title=”This is a tooltip!” link_name=”Hover over me” position=bottom][/sp-grid]
[sp-grid span=3][sp-tooltip url=”#” tooltip_title=”This is a tooltip!” link_name=”Hover over me” position=left][/sp-grid]
[sp-grid last=true span=3][sp-tooltip url=”#” tooltip_title=”This is a tooltip!” link_name=”Hover over me” position=right][/sp-grid]


[sp-code][sp-tooltip url=”#” tooltip_title=”This is a tooltip!” link_name=”Hover over me”][/sp-code]


  • position top / left / right / bottom Choose the position you want the tooltip to appear from.
  • url URL of the link.
  • tooltip_title Title of the tooltip.
  • link_name The name to display for the link.
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