Slider with alias not found.

Google Plus One





  • url URL of the item you want to plus one on. Defaults to current page URL.
  • size standard small / medium / tall. Sets the size of the button.
  • annotation inline bubble / none. Sets the style of counter.

Facebook Like





  • url URL of the item you want to like. Defaults to current page URL.
  • send_button false / true. Shows hides the send button.
  • layout button-count / standard / box_count. The layout of the button.
  • width 75. The width of the button.
  • show_faces false / true. Show hides the photo.
  • verb like / recommend. The verb text of the button.

Twitter Tweet





  • url URL of the item you want to tweet. Defaults to current page URL.
  • count_position horizontal / none / vertical. Sets counter position.
  • size medium / large. Sets size of button.
  • type share / hashtag / mention. Sets the type of the button.
  • hashtag Set the hashtag.
  • hashtag_text Set the hashtag text only when hashtag is set.
  • tweet_to Set the person to tweet to when button type is set to “mention”

Twitter Follow

[sp-twitter-follow user=”splashingpixels”]


[sp-code][sp-twitter-follow user=”splashingpixels”][/sp-code]


  • user User screen name to follow.
  • size normal / large. Sets size of button.
  • show_username true / false. Show hides the username.

Pinterest Pinit





  • page_url URL of the item you want to associate with. Defaults to current page URL.
  • image_url URL of the image you want to pin. Defaults to current page’s featured image if one exists.
  • description Description of the pinned item.
  • count_layout horizontal / vertical / none. Sets the counter layout.
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